Voluntary Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits are credits generated by Volunteers that include private sector players and communities

AVCCMF – South Edition 2023

Our Projects

We are implementing REDD+ Projects Development, Sustainable Agro-Infrastructure, and waste-to-energy activities.

We Have The Power Today To Change Tomorrow!

Every action counts. Whether it’s supporting local businesses that prioritize sustainability or advocating for policies that promote clean energy, we all have a role to play in building a greener future.

What We Do

We are a Pan African, People Centric Climate action movement driving a rights-based approach to climate change interventions and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals by African Countries.

Regenerative Agriculture

We are implementing a Carboneg regenerative agriculture concept that promotes soil health through sustainable conversation farming techniques.

Renewable Energy Projects

We develop projects for communities on sustainable and effective animal health and feed management to use and reduce methane gas emissions.

Advocacy Activities

We engage in Policy Framework Development for Country and Local Authorities as well as Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences on Climate Change and the Climate Economy.

REDD+ Projects Development

We create Integrated Agro-Forests where high-value plants are grown to create value chains while creating a source for oxygen emissions, integrated with pasture.

It's time for a radical and
transformative paradigm shift.

An african climate economic revolution is possible.

The voluntary carbon credits market is forecast to be worth a staggering $10 billion to $40 billion by 2030. Currently, Africa's share is just 13%. It is imperative to accelerate Africa's participation in the climate economy.

Mt. Carbon Credits Retired
0 bn
Market Forecast by 2030
% Market Share

Frequently Asked Questions

As public awareness on the climate crisis grows, a few myths and misconceptions still remain. Here are some questions and ideas that will helps us better understand climate change and other related issues.


We are a Pan African Climate Action Movement that seeks to accelerate the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by African countries and shaping the trajectory for the Africa Agenda 2063.

AVCCMF South Edition

A platform for players in the Climate space to share knowledge, experiences, and expertise, discuss policy, and set the Agenda for Dubai COP28. This event follows up on the Inaugural Victoria Falls Forum held on 5-7 July 2023.

Carbon Credits

Carbon credits are a tradeable commodity that represents a unit of carbon dioxide emissions. They can be bought and sold in order to offset emissions and help businesses and individuals become carbon neutral.

  1. a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.
The greenhouse effect is the process through which solar energy is absorbed by greenhouse gases instead of being reflected back into space. This keeps the earth’s surface warm and prevents it from freezing.
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The Intervention Synopsis

The Africa Voluntary Carbon Credits Markets Forum is presenting Africa with an opportunity to tap into the huge opportunity created by the Kyoto Protocol that set out global Green House Gas Emission Reduction Targets, and the Paris Agreement provided a platform for offsetting Carbon emissions and Africa has the greatest advantage, potential and necessary resources to tap into the Carbon Credits Markets.
  • We seek to unlock the possibility

    Creation of a Community-driven Environmental Conservation and Beneficiation model that can be replicated across Africa.

  • We seek to drive change on large scale

    An effective and efficient carbon credits monitoring and tracking framework that promotes transparency and accountability.

Learn more about the AVCCMF South Edition - Oct 2023
